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Career Matching & Guidance Services

Unlock your potential by engaging your managers in meaningful career conversations today!
This guidebook is designed to support various stages of your career lifecycle. It guides you through a process of self-discovery, providing practical tools to help you identify your motivations, values, and career aspirations.
Careers Connect On-The-Go (CCOTG) is WSG's mobile outreach platform, showcasing and recommending our suite of digital career services to Singaporeans. Providing personalised career advisory, resources and career opportunities, CCOTG supports effective career planning, empowering individuals in their professional journeys.
Careers Connect On-The-Go (CCOTG) is WSG's mobile outreach platform, showcasing and recommending our suite of digital career services to Singaporeans. Providing personalised career advisory, resources and career opportunities, CCOTG supports effective career planning, empowering individuals in their professional journeys.
Unlock Your Career Potential
Discover how WSG's guidance has helped individuals like you achieve their career goals here in Singapore. Check out our video below.
Learn how Workforce Singapore can help jobseekers achieve their career goals through our inspiring success story videos.