
Mr Chew Hock Yong
Workforce Singapore
Ms Dilys BoeyChief ExecutiveWorkforce Singapore
Mr Lau Peet MengPermanent Secretary (Transport Development)Ministry of Transport
Mr Felix Loh Chee WaiChief Executive OfficerGardens by the Bay
Mr Low Soon TeckManaging Director & Chief Executive OfficerKuok Maritime Group Pte Ltd
Mr Benjamin MahSenior Director, Digital Transformation & ESGOracle Corporation Asia Pacific & Japan
Ms Ong Chin YinChief People OfficerGrab
Ms Joan MohDeputy Secretary (Workplaces)Ministry of Manpower
Ms Jean SeeExecutive SecretaryFood, Drinks and Allied Workers Union (FDAWU)
Mr Sharael TahaVice President, Strategy, Digital Transformation and Project Management OfficeSingapore Aero Engine Services Pte. Ltd. (SAESL)
Mr Shariq BarmakySingapore Country Managing PartnerDeloitte & Touche LLP
Mr Tan Kok YamChief ExecutiveSkillsFuture Singapore
Ms Teo Lay LimChairman, Remuneration CommitteeWorkforce Singapore
Mr Raj Joshua ThomasPresident, Security Association of SingaporeManaging Partner, Tang Thomas LLC
Ms Carmen WeeChief Executive OfficerCarmen Wee & Associates