The Business Case for PSG-JR



How does working with Job Redesign consultants help your business?

The Business Case brings to you stories of how companies solve manpower and productivity challenges through job redesign with the help of JR consultants from the Support for Job Redesign under Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG-JR) program. Learn how other business owners like you found the talent they need to transform and grow their business.  

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Henderson Security Services

The Business Case - Henderson Security Services

An ageing population and slower workforce growth mean there is intense competition for manpower. This is felt keenly by local security firm, Henderson Security Services (HSS), where the problem is further exacerbated by the routine and manual nature of the job.

To remain competitive and stay ahead of a rapidly evolving sector, HSS embarked on a strategic transformation to enhance their services and drive business growth. Through the Support for Job Redesign under Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG-JR), HSS reviewed and redesigned the Security Officer job role by streamlining manual work processes and building in higher value-adding tasks. 

Enlisting the expertise of a pre-approved job redesign consultant from the PSG-JR programme, HSS reduced tasks such as changing of passes and clocking of checkpoints, allowing their officers to pivot towards value-added work like providing customer service to visitors. This was particularly valuable especially for clients running mall operations as security officers become security ambassadors.

Mr Jacky Tan, one of the newly minted security ambassadors, shared his experience, “Before PSG-JR, I was confined to basic security tasks like patrolling and monitoring access. With the support from PSG-JR, my role was enhanced to encompass customer-facing work which allowed me to pick up skillsets that enriches my ability to interact with people more effectively to improve customer satisfaction.”

Job Redesign yielded positive outcomes for HSS beyond productivity. Their employees experienced greater job satisfaction and received an increase in salary, which helped with staff retention. Additionally, HSS was able to differentiate their services from traditional security services, boosting their business prospects. 

“Through Job Redesign, we were able to overcome our manpower challenges by creating higher value jobs for employees to contribute more effectively. Their new skillsets have also made us more competitive in the market,” added Mr Daniel Marc Chow, Managing Director of Henderson Security Services. 


Watch and find out how the Support for Jobs Redesign Under Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG-JR) helped Henderson Security Services to expand job roles, improve job satisfaction and transform their workforce for the future.

Shaws Preschool

Shaws Preschool, like many other companies, faced challenges with attracting and retaining talents while also needing to transform the jobs and skillsets of their employees to support future growth plans. 

To tackle these issues, Shaws Preschool tapped on the Support for Job Redesign under Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG-JR). Under the PSG-JR, they received funding support to embark on a job redesign project, partnering with a pre-approved job redesign consultant to develop a customised solution. 

Their project aimed to improve talent attraction and retention by redesigning the roles of their Senior Preschool Teachers and HR Manager to make the positions more appealing to job seekers.

A mentorship role was added to the Senior Preschool Teacher role to offer structured learning support to new teachers, and ensure proper knowledge transfer through regular assessments of their progress. The enriched role also opens up the pathway for teachers to one day become a Teacher Mentor.

“The revised mentoring process has strengthened my role as a senior teacher and mentor and enabled me to nurture new teachers,” says Ms Charlene Yow, Senior Preschool Teacher cum Teacher Mentor.

The HR Manager role was expanded to include Leadership Development, reinforcing a culture of learning and training that keeps the talent pool relevant and equipped for future needs. 

“My job role has changed to provide leadership training to strengthen our team. My work now goes beyond HR management and gives me room to grow,” says Ms Namitha, HR Manager cum Leadership Development Facilitator.

Through job redesign, higher value-added tasks were added to their roles while existing job responsibilities were reviewed to be reduced or removed so that the redesigned role does not become too overwhelming. 

Through the job redesign project, Shaws Preschool gained greater clarity in building employees’ capabilities and offering well-defined career progression tracks and development plans. With clear growth opportunities and a commitment to developing their team, job attractiveness at Shaws Preschool has improved along with job satisfaction. 

“The job redesign project was very beneficial. It also paved the groundwork to support Shaw’s future growth plans,” Says Ms Liane Shaw, Director.

Watch and find out how Shaws Preschool tapped on WSG's Support for Job Redesign under Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG-JR) to implement reskilling solutions and transform its workforce for the future.