- Career advisory to establish job readiness, and identify training and career options
- Course fee subsidies of up to 95% for SG Enable’s list of curated training courses
- Training allowance of $6.00 per hour
- Training commitment award of $100.00 per completed course
About this programme
Employment Support for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) is a programme supported by Workforce Singapore and SkillsFuture Singapore, administered by SG Enable, to enhance the employability of and increase employment options for PwDs.
this programme, PWDs can gain access to career advisory services, training courses and post placement job support.
How does it benefit PwDs?
• Career advisory services from SG Enable’s employment coaches and its Job Placement and Job Support partners to help PwDs establish his or her job readiness, and identify possible training and career options
• Course fee subsidies of up to 95% for SG Enable’s list of curated training courses to support PwDs’ training efforts
• Training allowance of $6 per hour
• Training commitment award of $100 per completed course to encourage PwDs to take up training.
Who can register?
Must be a Singaporean1.
PwDs are defined as individuals with physical, sensory, intellectual and/or development impairments, which substantially reduce their prospects of securing and retaining jobs, advancing in education and training, employment and recreation. For consideration to be funded under the programme, PwDs need to produce certification from a medical doctor that proves their disabilities.
1Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident.