Visit us at to view the full list of detailed job descriptions.
Visit us at to view the full list of detailed job descriptions.
- 10 Feb, Monday - 02 Mar, Sunday
- 12:00AM - 11:59PM
- Career GRIT Hub
Visit us at to view the full list of detailed job descriptions.
Navigate your job search journey with Career GRIT. Career GRIT is an easy yet structured job search guide that can support you in navigating career resources at any stage of your job search journey.
This event is open to Singaporeans only.
*Information updated as of 23 Jan 2025
Careers Connect On-The-Go (CCOTG) is WSG's mobile outreach platform, showcasing and recommending our suite of digital career services to Singaporeans. Providing personalised career advisory, resources and career opportunities, CCOTG supports effective career planning, empowering individuals in their professional journeys.
Specially curated for retrenched workers, this workshop aims to provide support during this transition period. Join to gain new insights on career planning and job search strategies essential to reboot your career journey.