- Attracts talent
- Become manpower lean through productivity
- Improves employee retention rate
- Builds an efficient workforce
What is it?
The Job Redesign Framework for the Food Services Sector aims to guide Food Services enterprises to embark on job redesign.
Food Services enterprises can leverage on job redesign to complement and sustain business and workforce transformation efforts.
Who can apply?
Job Redesign for the Food Services sector is open to Food Services enterprises that are keen to transform their businesses and make jobs more productive and attractive.
How does it work?
The following resources are available to help Food Services enterprises embark on and sustain job redesign efforts:
The Job Redesign Guide is an online, self-help tool jointly developed by WSG and Singapore Productivity Centre (SGPC) to guide Food Services enterprises in designing and implementing job redesign.
(ii) Support for Job Redesign Consultancy
Food Services enterprises that are keen to engage third-party consultancy services for job redesign can tap on funding support under the following programmes:
- Support for Job Redesign under Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG-JR), where pre-approved Job Redesign consultants can help enterprises to redesign work processes, tasks and responsibilities to support business transformation and make jobs more attractive to locals
(iii) Support to Reskill Your Workers
Food Services enterprises ready to embark on job redesign, can tap on WSG's Career Conversion Programme for Food Services Industry to train and upskill new and existing PMET and non-PMET workers.