Invest in your workforce and boost business outcomes
The Towkay
The HR Manager
The Business Owner
As a business owner, you are juggling different concerns. From rising costs, intensifying competition, manpower shortages and more. In such a dynamic and volatile economic climate, you need solutions to help you navigate these hurdles and drive long-term success. If you are concerned with keeping your employees engaged, motivated and equipped to help your business thrive, we are here to help.
Let’s talk about Career Health. At its core, career health is about empowering your workforce to reach their full potential. Investing in the careers of your employees means ensuring they have the right skills, growth opportunities and developmental support to succeed in their roles—and, in turn, contribute to your company's success.
Prioritising career health benefits both your employees and your business. A workforce that is continuously learning, evolving and gaining new skills will stay competitive and drive your business forward. By embedding career development into your growth strategy, you’re setting your organisation up to thrive in an ever-changing marketplace.
Just like physical health, career health requires intentional focus, consistent effort and resilience. When you invest in your employees' development, you're not just enhancing their careers —you are also directly boosting your business performance. A skilled, engaged and future-ready workforce is your greatest asset in navigating today’s challenges and capitalising on tomorrow’s opportunities.
What is Career Health For Employers?
Career health enables our businesses to widen their access to talent. Through career health, we will equip businesses to take a skills-first approach to hiring and invest in human capital development. By offering meaningful career progression pathways, businesses will be better positioned to attract and retain talent to drive growth.
Career health is about realising the potential of Singapore's most precious resource – our human capital; and through this, supporting Singapore’s economic and social goals.
What is skills-first approach?
A skills-first approach places skills at the forefront of talent strategies, recognising individuals for their capabilities and potential rather than relying on traditional academic qualifications or previous job experience. Organisations set out how skills are identified, prioritised, assessed and recognised. Then, they align the process of recruitment, onboarding and ongoing employee development processes.
What is strategic workforce development?
It is a comprehensive approach that enables organisations to identify and cultivate the skills and capabilities necessary for their future business objectives. It involves assessing the current workforce to identify key skill gaps and creating innovative strategies to build and apply those capabilities, to ensure that individuals are equipped with the necessary skills to advance in their careers and support the organisation’s growth.
Driving Talent Acquisition And Retention

In today’s highly competitive labor market, the ability to attract and retain top talent across all segments of your workforce is a critical factor for the success and long-term sustainability of your business. Talent acquisition and retention are no longer just HR responsibilities; they are strategic imperatives that directly impact an organisation’s performance, innovation and growth trajectory.
A 2023 LinkedIn report, based on insights from 49 countries, revealed that employers who prioritise hiring based on practical, applicable skills see their talent pool expand by nearly tenfold. Adopting a skills-based approach to recruitment broadens your hiring options and bridges talent gaps, giving you a competitive edge in today’s challenging labor market.
McKinsey’s recent study further supports this shift, showing that skills-based hiring is five times more predictive of job performance than hiring based on education and over twice as predictive as hiring based on previous work experience. By engaging in skill-based hiring, employers cultivate a resilient workforce that stay on even during difficult times. In fact, companies that adopt skills-based hiring saw their employee retention nearly double—from an average of 2.9 years to 5.4 years—demonstrating the long-term value of focusing on skills when hiring.
Beyond recruitment, a skills-based strategy can also be applied to workforce development, which is equally crucial for building a strong, future-ready team. By identifying the key skills needed for growth and success within your organisation, you can assess transferable skills among your existing workforce and offer targeted reskilling opportunities. This approach fills talent gaps and enhances employee satisfaction and retention. When employees see a clear pathway for career progression and feel supported in their professional development, they are more likely to stay and grow with your organisation.
In short, by embracing a skills-based approach to both hiring and workforce development, employers create a more adaptable, engaged and loyal workforce—one that can meet current challenges and seize new opportunities, ensuring both individual and organisational growth.
How can employers practice skills-based hiring?
MyCareersFuture | Employers can streamline skills-based hiring through MyCareersFuture’s Talent Search and Suggested Talent tools. These features enable employers to identify and reach out to candidates with the relevant skill sets who haven't applied directly to their job vacancies. |
Career Conversion Programme (Place-and-Train) | Employers can identify potential candidates and reskill them through On-the-Job Training (OJT) or industry-recognised training to take on a new growth job role. Salary support of up to 90% will be provided. Long-term unemployed or mature jobseekers aged 40 and above are eligible for higher funding support. |
Mid-Career Pathways Programme | Host organisations can use the MyCareersFuture portal to shortlist suitable candidates on attachments upon application approval. Host organisations can tap on experience of mature mid-career individuals and receive 70% training allowance support funded by the government for the duration of the attachment. |
Employment Support for Vulnerable Groups | Employers can gain access to a broader pool of workers from the following programmes:
SkillsFuture Work-Study Programme | Employers can participate in the Work-Study Programme (WSP) as a host employer by opening their workplace and offering structured training to the WSP trainees. By doing so, employers will have the opportunity to groom and retain suitable talent with the relevant skills and aptitude to meet organisational needs. |
SkillsFuture Career Transition Programme | The SkillsFuture Career Transition Programme (SCTP) is a train-and-place programme that supports mid-career individuals in acquiring skills to pivot to new sectors or job roles. The programme includes industry attachments and projects. Employers can partner training providers to offer industry attachments and projects at their company as part of the SCTP and have access to these mid-career individuals. This can also widen their reach to a skilled talent pool to support manpower needs. |
Cultivating A Future-ready And Competitive Workforce
In today’s fast-paced business environment, where technological disruptions are not just expected but increasingly frequent, the need for companies to prioritise their employees’ growth has never been more critical. As industries evolve and new technologies emerge, the ability to adapt and remain competitive hinges on a workforce that is both agile and capable of acquiring new skills.
To stay ahead of the curve, businesses must not only anticipate future trends but also actively invest in cultivating a culture of continuous learning and reskilling. This proactive approach helps ensure that employees keep up with the change and are equipped with the expertise needed to seize emerging opportunities. By fostering a strong learning and reskilling culture, organisations can build a workforce that is resilient, innovative and prepared to tackle the challenges and demands of the future, securing long-term success in an ever-evolving marketplace.
Developing workers for the future not only reduces recruitment costs but also enhances employee satisfaction and engagement when new career pathways are made available for them. A highly engaged workforce is linked to better key performance outcomes like profitability, productivity, lowered absenteeism and higher employee retention rates.
How can employers cultivate a future-ready and competitive workforce?
Support for Job Redesign under Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG-JR) | As the world evolves, so will jobs. Through job redesign and the restructuring of job roles, work processes, tasks and responsibilities, employers can improve job productivity and attractiveness for workers; thereby benefiting employers in the hiring and retaining of good workers. Collaborate with pre-approved Job Redesign consultants to implement customised solutions and embark on business and workforce transformation for your organisation. |
Career Conversion Programme (Job Redesign Reskilling) | Maximise the potential of your current workforce by reskilling employees for new or redesigned roles. Workers can undergo OJT training to elevate their skills and prepare for the new role. Salary support up to 90% will be provided for the period of transition. Mature employees aged 40 and above are eligible for higher funding support. |
Job Redesign Centre of Excellence | Looking to embark on Job Redesign (JR), but not sure how? The recently established Job Redesign Centre of Excellence (JRCoE) is dedicated to assisting companiess in their transformation efforts by providing access to industry-specific expertise and resources. Through the latest JR resources,
best practices, tools and grants, JRCoE is well-equipped to support your company on your business transformation journey. |
HR Industry Transformation Plan | Sustaining and upkeeping the career health of your workforce requires HR professionals with the right capabilities. The HR Industry Transformation Plan outlines a 5-year roadmap to strengthen HR capabilities in Singapore, evolving the role of HR professionals to be strategic enablers of transformation and maximise the potential of your team. |
Institute of Human Resource Professionals (IHRP) HR Certification | Ready to supercharge business agility and workplace transformation? Get your HR team certified with IHRP. Certifying your HR team will enable your workforce to thrive and achieve organisational goals amid a rapidly changing environment. The IHRP Certification framework is supported by Ministry of Manpower (MOM), National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) and Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF). |
National Centre of Excellence for Workplace Learning | The National Centre of Excellence for Workplace Learning (NACE) equips companies with the capabilities to train and develop their workers. Through training and consultancy projects, NACE can help employers identify learning and development gaps, strengthen workplace learning and build in-house training systems to raise the capability of their staff with minimal disruptions to business operations. |
Jobs Transformation Maps | As jobs evolve, WSG has worked with government agencies and industry partners to develop Jobs Transformation Maps to provide insights on the impact of technology and automation to jobs across industries. By knowing the changes that are coming, employers can proactively help workers acquire the requisite skills and redesign their jobs for the future. |
Capability Transfer Programme | The Capability Transfer Programme speeds up the transfer of global capabilities into Singapore to equip our local workforce with requisite skillsets. By leveraging on the expertise of foreign specialists for locals to learn from, businesses can build key capabilities to improve the skills of their local workforce, thereby quickly gaining new capabilities to stay competitive in today’s fast-changing global market. |
Enhanced Training Support for SMEs and SSG-funded courses | Tap on the Enhanced Training Support for SMEs to receive course fee subsidies of up to 90% for SSG-supported courses that can drive your business forward. Employers can visit the Enterprise for Jobs and Skills course directory to view the wide range of SSG-supported courses that are highly subsidized with out-of-pocket costs further offset using the SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC). |
SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit | The SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC) encourages employers to invest in enterprise transformation and capabilities of their employees. Eligible employers will receive a one-off credit of up to S$10,000 to cover up to 90% of out-of-pocket expenses on qualifying costs for supportable initiatives. |
SkillsFuture Queen Bee | SkillsFuture Queen Bee Networks: The SkillsFuture Queen Bees (SFQBs) are industry leaders who take on a leading role to champion skills development in organisations, particularly for the SMEs. Companies who join a SFQB network receive skills advice and support for business transformation. |
Skills Profiling for SMEs | SMEs can use the Skills Profiler to benchmark employees’ competencies to discover their strengths and skills gaps and identify training courses personalised to their skill needs. |
More on career health
What happens when you bring together three government leaders and three private sector experts to discuss the future of work? You get powerful insights into workforce trends and why career health is emerging as a key driver for business success.
WSG presents Hello Future Season 3, where Joseph (Cragar Industries), Hao Shuo (MOM), Zhirong (NUS), Chee-Wei (SATS), Wenshan (SSG) and Brandon (WSG) offer their unique perspectives on the evolving workforce landscape and strategies to prepare for the challenges of tomorrow.