Job Redesign Centre of Excellence (JRCoE)
The JRCoE seeks to enable enterprises through job redesign, uplifting the workforce, and creating higher value jobs. This initiative enhances the existing job redesign ecosystem through its three strategic pillars of Thought Leadership, Capability Development, Advocacy and Action. JRCoE supports enterprises in their transformation efforts by providing industry-relevant expertise and resources for enterprises to conduct job redesign for their workforce.
  • Workshops to equip enterprises and HR teams with knowledge and skills to embark on JR
  • Sectoral playbooks to help enterprises adopt JR through a structured step-by-step approach
  • HR resources that complement JR, e.g. Human Capital Diagnostic Tool (HCDT)

What is Job Redesign?

Job redesign (JR) refers to the restructuring of work tasks and responsibilities to optimise processes and workforce allocation for improved productivity, and to better support business transformation priorities. It aims to create higher value jobs that are more fulfilling for employees and that contribute more effectively to the business’s goals.

How will JRCoE help enterprises?

JRCoE will be able to direct enterprises to available JR resources, best practices, tools, and grants, so that they can be better equipped and supported to drive business transformation through JR. Enterprises undergoing JR can benefit from improved productivity and cost savings, improved ability to attract and retain talent, increased agility to respond to changes in the market, and better customer satisfaction.

Which programmes are currently available for enterprises should they want to embark on Job Redesign?

Enterprises which are keen to embark on JR can tap on Workforce Singapore (WSG)’s Support for Job Redesign under Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG-JR) which provides funding support of up to 50% (for SMEs) and up to 30% (for non-SMEs) for job redesign consultancy support, capped at $30,000 per enterprise. Interested enterprises may refer to the list of pre-approved consultants.

Other initiatives include the Career Conversion Programme, which provides salary support of up to 90% for new hires and or existing employees.

For other available workforce development and JR support provided by WSG, enterprises may also refer to here for more details.

