- Develop customised job redesign solutions based on your company's needs
- Receive funding for consultancy services, capped at $30,000
- Choose to receive consultancy support from pre-approved job redesign consultants
Nippon Sanso Holdings Corporation, a leader in industrial gases, faced notable inefficiencies in its HR processes, with onboarding tasks alone consuming 15% of the HR team’s weekly workload. Through Workforce Singapore's Job Redesign, the HR function evolved into a strategic one, driving digitalisation and enhancing efficiency for their 10,000+ workforce.
What is it?
The (PSG-JR) encourages enterprises to work with pre-approved JR consultants to redesign work processes, tasks and responsibilities. Through supporting workforce and business transformation, JR can help make jobs more productive and attractive for workers, and benefit enterprises by allowing them to hire and retain good workers.
The Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) has been appointed by Workforce Singapore (WSG) as the Programme Manager to administer PSG-JR, and a panel of pre-approved JR consultants has been appointed to assist enterprises in the following:
Scope and develop proposals for PSG-JR; and
Implement the PSG-JR project and ensure that the committed project deliverables are met.
Interested enterprises may refer to GoBusiness Gov Assist for the list of pre-approved JR consultants to approach, for their PSG-JR project.
For more information, download the Factsheet and FAQs. Enterprises that are interested to find out more about PSG-JR can visit https://snef.org.sg/incentives/psgjr or click here for assistance.
Subsidies and Funding
Eligible enterprises can receive funding of up to 50% (for SMEs) and up to 30% (for non-SMEs) for consultancy services, capped at $30,000 per enterprise. Each UEN can have more than one approved PSG-JR application within the overall grant cap of $30,000. Funding is on a reimbursement basis upon completion of the PSG-JR project. Enterprises will have up to one year to complete the project.
On top of the above funding support, eligible enterprises can also tap on the SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC) to defray 90% of their out-of-pocket (OOP) expenses.
More on Job Redesign
Job redesign (JR) involves the restructuring of work tasks and responsibilities to optimise processes and workforce allocation. JR helps enterprises address critical business needs and drive business transformation, benefitting employees in the process.
JR creates a win-win scenario, where enterprises are able to respond to new business needs and workers are able to upskill and stay relevant. Find out how below.
In partnership with Channel NewsAsia, WSG featured progressive enterprises from the Security, Marine & Offshore Energy, Food Services and Professional Services sectors that successfully embraced job redesign to improve business outcomes. Click here to see the 4-episode 'Business, Redesigned' documentary series.