Mid-Career Pathways Programme for Mature Mid-career Individuals
SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme for Mature Mid-career Individuals
The Mid-Career Pathways Programme is a full-time attachment programme for mature mid-career individuals aged 40 and above who are looking for a switch in careers. Suitable applicants will be attached to a host organisation where they can gain meaningful industry-relevant skills and experience. The attachments will last between four to six months.
SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme for Mature Mid-career Individuals
  • Widen your professional network and gain meaningful industry-relevant skills and experience
  • Receive training allowance of up to $3,800 per month
  • Conversion to full-time employment if performance is deemed satisfactory

How does it benefit?

Mature mid-career individuals (aged 40 and above) can embark on industry-relevant attachment programme lasting up to six months with approved host organisations to gain industry-relevant experience, develop new skills and boost their employability. They can look forward to conversion to a full-time role with their host organisations if their training and performance is assessed to be satisfactory during the attachment.


To find out more, refer to the Infographic, Factsheet and FAQs.


Training Allowance

Mature mid-career trainees will receive a training allowance of up to $3,800 per month for the duration of the attachment or programme. The approved monthly training allowance may vary depending on the scope of the attachment proposed by the host organisation. The government co-funds the training allowance with the host organisation.


Monthly Training Allowance

$1,800 to $3,800

Government Funding

70% of the training allowance

Eligibility Criteria

The Mid-Career Pathways Programme is open to all mature Singaporeans and Permanent Residents aged 40 and above.