- Receive funding for consultancy services, capped at $30,000 per enterprise
- Support to redesign work processes, enhance EC job roles and improve productivity
What is it?
The Early Childhood Job Redesign (EC JR) Initiative aims to support early childhood operators to improve their human capital practices and talent management through job redesign (JR). The initiative also enables operators to improve job quality and make it more attractive for employees, and help operators hire and retain good employees. Operators will be guided to uplift workforce productivity and performance.
For approved projects1, early childhood operators will be able to receive funding support through PSG-JR for job redesign consultancy cost incurred for their projects:
Up to 50% (for SMEs) and 30% (for non-SMEs) funding for consultancy services, capped at $30,000 per enterprise/operator.
Participating enterprises/operators have up to one year to complete their job redesign project.
On top of the above funding support for PSG-JR, enterprises/operators can also tap on the SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC) to defray out-of-pocket (OOP) expenses. Eligible enterprises/operators will receive a one-off $10,000 credit per firm to cover up to 90% of OOP expenses. More details can be found on https://www.gobusiness.gov.sg/enterprisejobskills/programmes-and-initiatives/redesign-jobs/skillsfuture-enterprise-credit.
To find out more, refer to the Factsheet and FAQs.
1Excluding Goods and Services Tax (GST).
Who can apply?
All participating enterprises must fulfil the following criteria:
Registered or incorporated and operating in Singapore; and
Must have at least three local employees2 at the point of application;
In addition to the criteria above, at the point of application, the applicant must not have:
Made any payment to a pre-approved JR consultant or third party in relation to the engagement of JR-related consultancy service,
Signed or confirmed any contract or purchase order with a pre-approved JR consultant or third party in relation to the engagement of JR-related consultancy service
All applications will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
2Local employees can be Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents. For enterprises related to the same parent enterprise, these affiliates will have to prove that their employees are not double counted in the enterprises applying for PSG-JR.
How does it work?
Early childhood operators have many operational needs that fall beyond the educational and care scope of work. There are also many informal or ad-hoc assignments that are given to Preschool Educators, Infant and Early Years Educators and other employees.
JR aims to formalise these roles, recognise Early Childhood professionals for their effort, and motivate them.
Under EC JR, the appointed consultant will work closely with the operator to prepare the following project deliverables:
a) Scope the JR project proposal for PSG-JR grant application
b) Perform job analysis for the intended job role(s) for redesign
c) Implement job redesign interventions
d) Revise job profile and align human resource practices
to redesigned job roles
e) Prepare necessary reports / documentations for PSG-JR claim submission